The Appliances Reviews

How to choose a Range hood

How to choose a Range hood

How to choose a Range hood

Range hood is an indispensable attribute in almost any kitchen. Of course, companies offer a wide range in this segment. Therefore, the choice of the optimal model is not always simple. But knowledge of their main features simplifies this task.

Main operation modes

As known, range hoods provide odor removal and air purification on kitchen during cooking. Of course, fan is the basic device element for creating the airflow.

As a rule, most modern models support two modes that are called recirculation and ventilation. But typically, the ventilation modeis set by default.

Recirculation range hood (filtering mode)

Usually, cleaning the indoor air uses charcoal filters. What is important, this mode does not require of air channel connections that is its main advantage. In this case, air continuously circulates indoor kitchen and is cleaned with range hood. Of course, this mode is more expedient in the winter due to preservation of warm air in the kitchen. Unfortunately, carbon filters are short-lived. Typically, they are calculated about on 3 months of operation.


Of course, this is more common and efficient method of air purification. In this case, range hood fully removes the unpleasant odors from the kitchen through the ventilation shaft.

But installation of these models requires the device connection to the ventilation with the help of pipes. Of course, air duct affects the kitchen design. Additionally, each bend of pipe in the path of air flow reduces the ventilation efficiency. Moreover, the air duct length also affects this parameter.

These models are also divided by types:

– built-in models;

– suspended models;

– island type;

– dome shaped.

Usually, built-in hoods are mounted in one of the kitchen cabinets.

Typically, the control panel is placed on the bottom surface. Such models have a reusable filter of rough cleaning. This cassette filter protects the device from fat.

Filtration and design

Cassette filter is regularly washed by running water or in the dishwasher.

Suspended range hood is mounted directly above the hob.

It provides the air recirculation and does not require installation of the air duct.

The air with a high content of fats and odors is cleared with the help of filtering through the removable cartridges. But, these models usually have small power.

Models of island type are used in large kitchens, if the hob is placed in the center. They are mounted directly to the ceiling and relate to the flow-through type.

Usually such models are developed according to an individual project for a particular kitchen with considering the required performance and designing the optimum route for air duct. A device is mounted with the help of a special suspended system.

Today,the dome model is the most common. They have a special design and a powerful fan.

The design provides maximum efficiency of air suction. These models also relate to the flow-through type. They are mounted to the wall with the help of special brackets.

But, of course, competition encourages companies to constantly seek new engineering solutions. Models with the built-in lights are one such example. The video at the end of the article demonstrates such a range hood.


The control affects the usability. Modern models are equipped with buttons, sliders, electronics or sensor panel.


They allow the user to set the desired fan speed. Mode change is carried out by pressing buttons. This control option is reliable enough and simple.


In this case, the device work is controlled by a slider. The slider moves along the scale velocity.

Touch control

Model with such control looks modern and beautiful. The controls are simple and convenient. Flat panel with LED indicators provide a mode selection. Such models are easier to service due to lack of protruding elements.

Electronic control

Many current models have a digital display and electronic control. Hoods with this control type are more expensive, but provide more extensive functionality. Possibility of programming is a major advantage.

This control provides time setting or automatic control depending on the air pollution level in kitchen. It uses data of special sensors for determining the impurity concentration in the air.

Material and care

Of course, the cost of model depends essentially on the material. Manufacturers use the following materials for hoods:

– stainless steel;

– stainless steel with enamel;

– colored stainless steel;

– plastic;

– tree; p>

– tempered glass;

– aluminum alloys;

– several materials in combined models.

Care requires periodic cleaning the device. Trade offers special cleaners. Usual soapy solution is also well suited for this purpose. Companies do not recommend using the following cleaning products:

– metallized sponge, abrasive powders and other similar means due to risk of coating damage;

– an alcohol, acetone, ether or other flammable substances.

Washing is carried out only at the power off.

Metal filters can be washed in the dishwasher, but separately from the other cookware because remains of food can get stuck in the filter grid.

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